Le jumelage entre l'Arche les Trois Fontaines et l'Arche à Mymensingh, c'est une histoire d'amitié et de rencontre. C'est l'histoire d'une amitié qui a commencé il y a plus que 5 ans et qui continue à grandir chaque jour. Une amitié qui est porté par la communauté de Taizé. C'est dans le cadre de ce jumelage que j'ai été demandé de vivre une année dans la communauté de l'Arche à Mymensingh. Mon coeur a répondu oui tout de suite. Donc me voilà partie au Bangladesh ...
Avec ce blog j'espère de vous faire voyager un peu avec moi et de vivre ensemble cette aventure. Enjoy!



Dear Friends

We are very sad to let you know that Russel, our core member in Asha Nir has passed away this morning (on 23rd) at 740am. He had some fever the previous night but he could enjoy to take Horicks, and slept well. This morning, he was found with difficulty of breathing and so, he was taken to the hospital where doctor declared his death. Russel was 20 years old.

He was very fragile boy with intractable epilepsy when he came to L'Arche in 2004, after staying at the Jail for over five years. His life in L'Arche was a full of miracles and he was our source of love and tenderness. He was also 'a spiritual guide' for assistants for both Muslims and Christians in the community. We are so grateful to him with his life.

He was also very much dear one for Br. Frank who has passed away in this January. Departure of Russel remind us picture of the memorial card of Br. Frank with Russel. it's as if Br. Frank has called Russel.

It's a time of holy Ramadan (fasting). Many Muslims who were with us mentioned that Russel was much blessed by Allah as he could die in this holy month. The people believe that those who die during a month of Ramadan can enter the heaven straight away. A great number of people followed the body of Russel to the graveyard after having namaz at local mosque. We are going to have Milad (a special Muslim prayer) for Russel on 25th Friday. Muslims believe that all sins will be forgiving on this day. So, many locals may want to join our Milad for Russel to seek forgiveness and we are expecting to welcome around 200 people.

Please pray for eternal piece of Russel and for our community. We will also pray for you.


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